The Story of our Travelling Family

We're going on a BIG adventure...

Tuesday 5 April 2011

I was hoping for a little more....

So I went for my first Californian haircut last night (yes Southwold types, things are open in the evenings). I wasn't expecting great things given that I could walk off the street and get a haircut there and then. But that's OK - I wouldn't describe myself as overly fussy and it's not like there's all that much to cut these days.

I sit in the chair as requested, minding my feet as the guy sweeps the hair from around my feet. A minute or two later he puts his broom aside and comes over to introduce himself. I didn't quite catch his name as his accent was very strong but he's certainly very friendly. He asks me what I want which is something I always find a challenge. I mutter something about "the same as Scott does" but, not surprisingly, he looks rather blankly at me. I change the subject and point out that it's been a lovely day....

Not deterred by the lack of any real requirements (sounds like my day job....) he tentatively picks up his clippers. He then drops the real bombshell: "this is my first day" he says. When he says this I'm suddenly aware of the fact that he's shaking. Not a lot, just a little shake. Not terrified but certainly not comfortable. He brings the clippers up to my left ear and trims the smallest amount of hair. He looks up at me and says "Is that OK?" I was hoping for a little more, I think.

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