The Story of our Travelling Family

We're going on a BIG adventure...

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Another adventurous weekend - Part 2

Sunday brought more travels, this time across the Golden Gate Bridge to Sausalito. We had 2 destinations, a picnic lunch and a newly acquired gps. I was driving!

Watching the pups from the viewing platform
After a beautiful drive in the sunshine (something we haven't seen for a while here) we arrived at the Marine Mammal Centre. Here the volunteers and vets look after sick and injured marine mammals. On the day of our visit they had 24 elephant seal pups in their care. March is seal pupping season along the coast of California however the mother seals only stay with their young for a month and then leave them on the beach to fend for themselves. Many on the pups haven't learnt how to hunt and feed themselves and are therefore malnourished and severely under weight when they are found and brought to the centre. A baby elephant seal should put on about 10 lb a day but some of the pups in the centre were 4-6 weeks old and only weighing 40-50 lb. They are fed on a diet of fish shakes and carefully monitored in this amazing environment. Because this is an animal hospital and not a zoo, visitors have to stay quiet (not easy for Isla) and can only view the mammals from a viewing platform. There were however, some very knowledgable staff on hand to answer questions and an education room packed with information.

Isla was very keen on the seal pups but spent most of her time with the "real" seals.....

 We took this especially for our Theo - fighter of sharks! 

After an hour of so we left the centre and headed off on our journey again, this time to the Bay Area Discovery Museum. This has been especially designed for children up to the age of 8 so it was perfect for us. I had read some good reviews and it had also been recommended by our landlady. The museum encouraged children to explore through play, building, painting, feeling and listening.


Rose and Isla spent a long time in the art room painting then cleaning a perspex wall. They came home and wanted to do the same thing in the shower but I think I will omit the paint for that one.

All in all we had another fabulous day. Owen spent most of his time on the outdoor play equipment and experimenting with wind, waves and boats, while Rose enjoyed the art room and printing space.

Best bits of the day: For me, our windy (very english) picnic overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge and seeing a pelican.
For Owen, building the biggest boat. 
For Isla, painting and cleaning and getting paint all over her including her hair.
For Rose, everything - in the entire world!
For Dave, listening to Owen charming the american girls (with his toilet humour).

All done and home in time for tea....

Love Jo x

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